



責任編輯  徐凱凱
特約編輯  張鈺霖
責任校對  陳麗勛
出版發行  浙江大學出版社
字    數  1280
 20216月第1版 ;20216月第1次印刷

號  ISBN 978-7-308-20921-2






Mantic Arts and Occult Knowledge in Early China: The Contributions of Professor Li Ling

Marc Kalinowski École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris 1



唐曉峰  北京大學  17



李水城  北京大學  29



    巍  北京大學  55



蘇榮譽  中國科學院  93


The Pinnacle Ornament of Flowers: Quatrefoils of Early China and Their Achaemenid Parallels

Minku Kim   The Chinese University of Hong Kong   185



    旻  加利福尼亞大學洛杉磯分校  247



林志鵬  復旦大學  265


An Unusual Phenomenon at Mawangdui: A Han Burial with No Jades

Jenny F. So   The Chinese University of Hong Kong  289


The Seat of Taiyi 太一 (Grand One) and New Light on an Old Problem: How Did Daoist Religion Happen?

Donald Harper   University of Chicago  309



      巴黎高等研究實踐學院  353



      浙江大學  375



      明尼阿波利斯藝術博物館  453


Searching for the Origin of a Motif: A Reevaluation of the Diffusionist Model by Examining the Motif of Tree Serving as a Separating Device in Early Artistic Traditions

Zhang Hanmo  Renmin University of China  533


Astrology in China at the Turn of the Seventh Century

Victor Cunrui Xiong  Western Michigan University  593


Myth, Prayer, and Social Integration in Popular Chinese Religion: Lingqiu Temple in Zhangzi County, Shanxi, and the Cult of Jingwei, Daughter of Yandi

Robin McNeal  Cornell University  621


      Questions about Cai Jixiang

Lothar von Falkenhausen  University of California, Los Angeles / Northwest University  653


    從 Confucius Laocius
    王   丁  上海外國語大學  697






















Mantic Arts and Occult Knowledge in Early China:

The Contributions of Professor Li Ling


Marc KalinowskiÉcole Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris


Abstract: Archaeological findings from the Warring States, Qin, and Han that unceasingly follow each other since the middle of the twentieth century keep on enriching our knowledge of the institutions, society, and culture of this key period in Chinese history. The study of the excavated texts has now become an academic discipline in its own right and the central focus of a growing number of scholars. Professor Li Ling was among the first to engage in the study of these new materials in the 1980s. This article is a reminiscence of the author’s friendship and scholarly exchange with Professor Li over the past twenty-five years, and discusses his contributions to the studies of the mantic arts and occult knowledge from excavated manuscripts.

The article begins by presenting the most significant aspects of Professor Li’s intellectual approach as a scholar—those aspects that exerted the greatest influence on the author’s own research orientations over the last twenty years. Then it raises interesting questions in matters related to the early development of the mantic arts and occult knowledge that remain to this day the subject of scholarly discussions and debates.


Keywords: Li Ling, excavated manuscript, mantic arts and occult knowledge, French Sinology












提要:新疆哈巴河縣阿依托汗一號墓地發掘的兩座石棺葬及出土遺物表明,這是在新疆北部首次發現的阿凡納謝沃文化遺存,年代不晚於距今 4500 年。這一發現大大豐富了中國西部的史前考古學文化體系。爲深入了解這一發現的内涵和意義,作者對俄羅斯南西伯利亞米奴辛斯克盆地、阿爾泰及蒙古西北部以往發現的阿凡納謝沃文化遺存作了全面的介紹,並在此基礎上歸納了該文化的遺迹、遺物的特徵,分布範圍,年代分期,經濟形態以及文化源流等。最後對阿依托汗這一考古發現的意義及引出的一系列問題進行了深入探討。








提要:在商周青銅器的演變過程中,存在少數外形特徵(形制與紋飾)與其實際年代相矛盾的器物,本文將其具體劃分爲超前”“復古延滯三種情况。其中的延滯現象,是指某些器類、形制或紋飾在其繁盛期結束後,還會存在相當長時間,並保持其基本特徵。本文選擇侈口圈足簋和大鳥紋,作爲西周青銅器形制和紋飾方面延滯現象的典型代表,對這種現象的具體表現和形成原因加以分析。文中詳細列舉西周中期後段至春秋早期各階段的代表性銅器,梳理了侈口圈足簋和大鳥紋在其延滯階段的演變過程 ;並且重點討論了輔師 簋、王鼎等典型器,這些銅器在形制、紋飾方面的延滯性特徵,常使銅器斷代研究者産生其年代偏早的誤判。本文對青銅器延滯現象的揭示,有助於認識考古類型學分析中普遍性特殊性的關係,並促使銅器斷代研究者更加全面地考慮從銘文内容到外形特徵等各方面因素。











The Pinnacle Ornament of Flowers: Quatrefoils of Early China and Their Achaemenid Parallels


Minku KimThe Chinese University of Hong Kong


Abstract: The quatrefoil is an ornamental design formed by a cruciferous arrangement of four leafor petal-like projections radiating from a mutual hub. The form was widely circulated across the ancient Western world, most distinctively in Egypt, Mesopotamia, and the Iranian plateau, with a variety of related schemes, including the dual quatrefoil (also known as the petal-and-calyx alternation), as well as those more commonly called the rosettes or lotus flowers. In China, quatrefoils began to be regularly seen during the late Springs and Autumns period, most notably on the assemblage of Jin bronzes. The usage of quatrefoils gradually intensified in the following periods, reaching an apogee during the Han empire, with a range of variants applied to numerous articles of material culture. With the quatrefoils being a design largely unknown prior to the mid-Eastern Zhou period, this essay argues that a foreign stimulus, most notably from the then emerging Achaemenid empire, provided a primary catalyst for the subsequent adaptations of this type of ornament in China.


Keywords: quatrefoil, dual quatrefoil (petal-and-calyx), octofoil (lotus or rosette), Achaemenid Empire, Proto-Silk Road
















An Unusual Phenomenon at Mawangdui:

A Han Burial with No Jades


Jenny F. SoThe Chinese University of Hong Kong


Abstract: The last decades have yielded unprecedented archaeological discoveries from the Western Han (206 BCE–9 CE). Our knowledge of Western Han art, including jades, comes mainly from tombs of noble princes of the imperial Liu family. Many tombs from that era have been emptied by looters, whether in antiquity or more recently. Only three intact Handynasty burials have been discovered to date: one (M1) at Changsha Mawangdui in Hunan merits our special attention. Discovered sealed and undisturbed in 1972 and opened a year later, the Mawangdui burial offers an intriguing anomaly: it did not yield a single jade. Whereas most of the noble burials excavated throughout the land are rich in jade, at Mawangdui only imitations of jade appear, made from other materials (wood, horn, tortoise shell, etc.); more importantly, many are painted images on silk and wood.

This paper examines this unusual phenomenon from perspectives related to material supplies, sociopolitical rank, economic accessibility, traditional artistic contexts, and personal interests. The author argues that the tendency at Mawangdui to stress the shape of the jade artifact over the substance of jade—with a unique preference for painted images of jade disk (bi)—is distinct from mainstream Han practice, which betrayed an obsession with the material efficacy of jade, regardless of form. Mawangdui’s de-emphasis of jade thus illustrates a long-standing local tradition that believed in the efficacy of the image over its material.


Keywords: the Han dynasty Tombs at Mawangdui, jade materiality, burial goods, painted image and object

The Seat of Taiyi 太一 (Grand One) and New Light on an Old Problem: How Did Daoist Religion Happen?


Donald HarperUniversity of Chicago


Abstract: Haotan Tomb 1, Shaanxi, dated to the first century CE, has a spirit world mural that depicts the Taiyi zuo “seat of Grand One,” with the three graphs written on a red banner. The function of the shenzuo “spirit seat” is an important feature of Eastern Han popular religion. This article examines textual sources and archaeological materials in order to interpret the Haotan seat of Grand One in the context of contemporaneous religious ideas and practices. The Fei Zhi stela and the so-called three-register mirrors are among the examples of the spirit seat that are related to the Haotan seat of Grand One.


Keywords: Taiyi zuo “seat of Grand One, ” shenzuo “spirit seat,” bianzuo “convenient seat,” Fei Zhi stela, three-register mirrors

























Searching for the Origin of a Motif: A Reevaluation of the Diffusionist Model by Examining the Motif of Tree Serving as a Separating Device in Early Artistic Traditions


Zhang HanmoRenmin University of China


Abstract: This study reevaluates the diffusionist model in art history by examining the tree motif as a separating device in early Chinese art and its seeming connection with ancient Indian (600 BCE–800 CE) pictorial narratives as well as the Achaemenid (550–330 BCE) and Etruscan (900–27 BCE) pictorial art traditions. The examination of these different traditions disproves both the argument that this artistic use of trees was diffused to China from India and the claim that multiple-scene pictorial narrative was absent from Han (206 BCE–220 CE) and pre-Han art. This study argues that similarities between artistic traditions in different regions or cultures are not always the result of diffusion from one to another; moreover, even similarities found at different periods within the same region or culture are not always the result of an artistic inheritance.


Keywords: tree motif, separating device, pictorial narrative, cultural diffusion, Scroll P 4524

Astrology in China at the Turn of

the Seventh Century


Victor Cunrui XiongWestern Michigan University


Abstract: This article examines the theory and practice of court astrology in late-sixth and earlyseventh century China, including “field allotment” (fenye 分野 ) divination, mantic responses to astrological events, the theory of the astrologist Yu Jicai 庾季才 (with particular attention to his Lingtai miyuan or Secret Park of the Numina Estrade), the office of grand astrologer (taishi ling 太史令 ), and government efforts to control astrology.


Keywords: fenye divination, Chen and Sui astrology, lunar lodges, Jupiter stations, Sui Yangdi, Yu Jicai, Lingtai minyuan

Myth, Prayer, and Social Integration in Popular Chinese Religion: Lingqiu Temple in Zhangzi County, Shanxi, and the Cult of Jingwei,

Daughter of Yandi


Robin McNealCornell University


Abstract: In Zhangzi county, west of Changzhi, in southeastern Shanxi, there is a body of local lore centered on Fajiu Mountain 發鳩山, where sources show a very old cult honoring both Yandi 炎帝 and his legendary daughter, Jingwei 精衛. This essay documents a temple to Jingwei in Zhangzi county, which was well-known in Shanxi province over many centuries and became the site of interesting negotiations between the high literary tradition and local religious practice. Stele inscriptions from the temple testify to a long tradition of prayers for rain at this site, as well as an elite interest in the apparent efficacy of the temple.


Keywords: Chinese myth, popular religion, prayers for rain, Yandi, Jingwei

Questions about Cai Jixiang


Lothar von FalkenhausenUniversity of California, Los Angeles / Northwest University


Abstract: A Changsha-based antique dealer during the Republican period who became a member of the staff of the Hunan Provincial Museum after 1949, Cai Jixiang is representative for a stratum of mid-level intellectuals who were instrumental in establishing the system for the administration and dissemination of China’s cultural heritage in the early decades of the People’s Republic. Cai remains well-known for having acquired and published the Warring States-period Chu silk manuscripts from Zidanku soon after their discovery in 1942, and for having played a controversial role in their illegal removal from China. Building on important scholarship by Li Ling, this article raises a series of questions about Cai Jixiang’s eventful life in its wider historical circumstances, and about the collection history of the Zidanku silk manuscripts.


Keywords: Cai Jixiang, antiques trade, Chu Silk Manuscripts from Zidanku, the Republican period, Changsha





提要:閲讀中國經典的西方語言譯本,可以發現對漢語人名有兩種不同的翻譯方式:直音轉寫(如老子譯作 Lao-tzuLao-tzeLao-tseuLaozi 等)、拉丁化翻譯(LaociusLaucius)。彙輯孔孟聖賢和諸子名字的拉丁化譯名進行分析,不難發現這種處理集中 於孔孟及其最核心的孔門弟子、老莊、列子以及墨子,也就是説儒、道、墨三家鼎 立,而正是這三家學説在西方享有其他學派難以企及的關注度與接受度,别家諸子 相對處於邊緣。對 Laocius 型的詞彙型態分析可以看出一種趨向,這一類型的名詞已 脱離漢語普通音譯轉寫詞的特徵,同化爲西方語言詞彙,獲得與西方語言學術名詞 同樣的屈折變化與派生功能,因此適用於西文語境中系統地表達、描述概念。漢語 拼音方案當然是有關語言規範的政令法規,應該遵行 ;另一方面,在特定學術領域 如古典研究及其應用範圍,也應該掌握中外學者的歷來成果,理解并有選擇地繼承 看上去似乎偏僻、不入時但是仍然有效的遺産,古爲今用,洋爲中用。


